How to create a segment

In this guide, we will show you how to create and use segments which is a convenient way of reusing filters across Cargo workspace.

Segments are defined at the data model level and represent a subset of records that match a specified filter. They can used as both inclusion and exclusion filter on workflow trigger.


Before you begin

Ensure you have access to the data model you want to build the segment on.

Select data from left sidebar menu. Pan the explorer or use the search box to find the data model to work on.

Click the data model and it will open a bottom panel, initially with the list of all records.

Now define your segment by applying all required filters. In our case we may want to build a segment of users identified with an email address.

Click "Filter" above the records table and add any number of filters.

Once you are happy with the filters and resuling list of records you can click "Save" button on the right side.

That will save the segment as an untitled segment. You can use the segments dropdown on the left side to customize its name.


Finish line

By now, you have successfully set up a segment in your data model that you can easily use in workflow triggering filters.