Send alerts to sales reps using the Slack node
In this guide, we will guide you through setting up a workflow that uses the Slack node to send alerts to sales representatives.
We'll use the allocate node to match the member of the revenue organization using owner ID from Hubspot. Once the member is matched we can leverage another connector to send a Slack notification.
This example demonstrates how Cargo's revenue organization, acting as a centralized allocation system, enables cross-tool coordination.
Used Features:
Before you begin
Ensure you have:
- A Slack account connected to your Cargo workspace.
- Sales reps present in your revenue organization in Cargo.
- Relevant data model set up that tracks client activities or relevant metrics and includes an owner's ID along with each account - in this guide we will use HTTP connector.

Configure the allocate node
Add an allocate node to your workflow. This node will help determine the Slack ID associated with the Hubspot ID for the account's owner.
Ensure that you have set up the necessary configurations to manage the mappings effectively.
- Record ID: Use an expression to reference as the unique ID of the allocation, e.g.,
. - Type: Choose
. - Matching connector: Select Slack as the connector that matches Hubspot IDs to Slack IDs.
- Matching member ID: Use an expression to reference the Hubspot ID, e.g.,
Example Slack message content node configuration
Hi {{nodes.allocate.member.ids.slack}},
A client has reached a significant milestone. Please follow up with them to discuss potential upsell opportunities.
Client Name: {{nodes.start.clientName}}
Milestone: {{nodes.start.milestone}}
Set up the message template to include the necessary information that will be sent to the sales rep. For example:
Cargo unifies memebers across tools using their email address. In case of discrepancies you can use member metadata to pass correct Slack ID.
Execute the node
Executing a node with success with emit a message via slack to the destined member.
Once you have configured the allocate and Slack nodes, execute the node to send alerts to sales representatives based on specific conditions.
Finish line
By the end of this guide, you will have successfully set up a workflow that uses the Slack node to send alerts to sales representatives based on specific conditions.