Enrich a company's domain to find its stakeholders

In this guide, we will guide you through using the Apollo search node within Cargo to identify stakeholders for a specific domain.

Used Features:


Before you begin

Ensure you have an existing connector for Apollo (or an equivalent tool) added to your Cargo workspace.

Drag a link from the start node. It will open up a node catalog, find the 'Apollo' search node.

Step 2

Configure the Apollo search node

A search node is basically making a query on your behalf into Apollo's database, which requires that we set filters for which results counts as valid output of the query:

Choose the Object Type: selecting Person will retrieve all available records in Apollo's database, whereas Contacts will search only through existing contacts in your Apollo workspace.

  • Organization domains filter: Enter the domain you're interested in. Inside a workflow this is typically passed from previous nodes using an equivalent of {{ nodes.start.domain }}.
  • Job titles filter: Use the expressions builder to add a filter for CISO to narrow down the search based on this job title.
  • Set a maximum limit for contacts retrieved: For this example, limit the number of contacts to 10.

Step 3

Execute the node and inspect the output

Running this node queries Apollo's database and returns an array of stakeholders matching the provided domain and location filters

Running this node queries Apollo's database and returns an array of stakeholders matching the provided domain and location filters. If no stakeholders are found, the output will be empty.

Step 4

Add a group node to iterate through array results

The array from Apollo contains valuable information about the stakeholders, such as emails, LinkedIn URLs, and job titles. This data can be utilized for outreach.

For more information, refer to the loop over array group node guide.

Pass an array containing the apollo search results

{{ nodes.apolloio_search }}

Include nodes in the sub-workflow to process the array of stakeholders. For example, you can use a group node to iterate through the array and send emails to each stakeholder.


Finish line

By now, you have successfully enriched an account domain to find stakeholders using the Apollo search node in Cargo.