

This doc outlines how to use the GitHub connector to interact with repositories and users on GitHub.


Create connector
From the settings panel or from the node catalog, search for the GitHub integration and navigate to the 'create connector' view.


Search - Find contributors in a repository
Search for contributors in a GitHub repository by specifying:

  • Owner name (repository owner)
  • Repository name
  • Include anonymous contributors (optional)
  • Limit number of results (default: 30)

The action returns contributor details including their ID, name, email, and number of contributions.

Read - Get user details
Retrieve detailed information about a GitHub user by their username. The action returns comprehensive user data including:

  • Basic info (ID, name, email)
  • Profile details (company, blog, location)
  • Social presence (Twitter username)
  • Account statistics (public repos, followers, following)
  • Important dates (created at, updated at)


Which rate limits should I set for this connector?
GitHub's REST API has rate limiting based on your authentication method:

  • Authenticated requests: 5,000 requests per hour
  • Unauthenticated requests: 60 requests per hour

For more details, see the GitHub API rate limits documentation.