

This doc outlines how to use the Audience connector to create and associate contacts to email campaigns.


Create connector
From the settings panel or from the node catalog, search for the Audience integration and navigate to the 'create connector' view.

Retrieve your username and password
Retrieve your username and password for your Audience account.

Configure the connector
Paste your Audience username and password into the dedicated fields inside Cargo.


Write - Create a contact using name and email
Use the write action to define the name, email, address, etc., of the new contact.

Write - Modify a contact using name and email
Use the update action to modify the name, email, address, other details, of the new contact.

Write - Delete a contact to a campaign
Use the delete action to delete the contact using an ID.

Associate - Associate a contact to a campaign
Associate a contact to a campaign using campaign and contact IDs.