Use Cargo on AWS Redshift

✅ What Cargo can do

  1. Read data from schemas and tables, even if they are spread across multiple databases,

  2. Writes them into new schemas and tables

❌ What Cargo will never do

  1. Overwrite existing schemas and tables

(instead it always creates its own schemas and tables when needed)

How it works: Cargo uses files stored in S3 and imports the data of these files using the COPY command to write data into the database

Case: You use Cargo’s computed column feature in your entity. Cargo creates an external function on Redshift calling a Lambda on your AWS. The lambda runs the Javascript code you define for the column in Cargo

Disclaimer: Cargo does not currently support SSH. Therefore, Redshift can only be accessed through private or internal networks. To be accessible, it must be made publicly available

Create a dedicated DB for Cargo needs

All data managed by Cargo will be stored and transformed in a dedicated database on your Redshift cluster


Create a DB user for Cargo

In order for Cargo to run commands, it must be authenticated as a Redshift user with the necessary permissions on the database you just created above

-- Create the user
CREATE USER cargo_user WITH PASSWORD '<strong_password>';

-- Grant to the user permissions on the database Cargo will use
GRANT ALL ON DATABASE cargo_db TO cargo_user;

-- Allow the user to create functions
CREATE ROLE cargo_create_replace_function;
GRANT CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION TO ROLE cargo_create_replace_function;
GRANT ROLE cargo_create_replace_function TO cargo_user;

-- For the computed column feature
GRANT USAGE ON LANGUAGE exfunc TO cargo_user;

-- Cargo user may needs to access data outside the 'cargo_db' database.
GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA <database_name>.<schema_name> TO cargo_user;

Allow Cargo IP

Depending on the configuration of Redshift, it may be necessary to whitelist Cargo's public IP address

To whitelist the IP:

  1. Open the VPC security group used for Redshift

    • For Redshift Serverless, follow these steps to find the security group:

      • Go to Workgroup configuration

      • Go to Network and configuration

      • Click on VPC security group

  2. Click on Inbound rules

  3. Click on Edit inbound rules

  4. Click on Add a new rule

  5. Set the following values:

    • All traffic

    • Source custom

    • CARGO IP

At the moment, Cargo does not support SSH. Therefore, Redshift cannot only be accessed through private or internal networks. To be accessible, it must be made publicly available

DB connection

Cargo will use this information to connect to the Redshift database:

Hostname - Port - Database name

For Redshift Serverless:

  • Select the workgroup to see the workgroup configuration

  • Copy the endpoint value

  • Extract the hostname, port, and database name from the endpoint value.

    The endpoint has the following format: hostname:port/database_name

User - Password

This refers to the user created earlier.

Cross account access

Read me: Cargo uses the COPY and UNLOAD commands to efficiently load and export data. These commands are executed from your Redshift, but read or write data to Cargo's S3 bucket

To enable this functionality, your Redshift cluster needs access to Cargo's S3 bucket. This can be achieved by setting up cross-account access

Once you submit the form to create the workspace, Cargo create a role with the necessary access to their S3 bucket for you

To complete the setup, you need to create a policy and a role on AWS that is connected to this role. Then, attach the role to your Redshift cluster (or namespace if using Redshift Serverless), and provide us with the ARN of the role.

The steps are detailed in this document, but you can also refer to the full AWS documentation here.

Create a policy

  1. Open the IAM console.

  2. Select Policies and click Create policy.

  3. Choose JSON and copy the following policy. Make sure to replace <cargo_role_arn> with the ARN of the role created by Cargo for you.

      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Sid": "CrossAccountPolicy",
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
          "Resource": "<cargo_role_arn>"
  4. Click Next, set a meaningful name, and create the policy.

Create a role

  1. Open the IAM console.

  2. Choose Policies and click Create role.

  3. Choose AWS service as Trusted entity type, and select Redshift - Customizable as Use case.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Select the policy created in the previous step, and click Next.

  6. Set a meaningful name

  7. Create the role.

Give Redshift access to AWS Lambda

To compute the values of computed columns using external functions, Redshift need access to AWS Lambda.

  1. Go back to IAM console

  2. Find the role

  3. Select the tab Trust relationships

  4. Click on Edit trust policy and add the following statement

  "Effect": "Allow",
  "Principal": {
    "Service": ""
  "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
  1. Click on update policy

  2. Now choose the permissions tab

  3. Click on Add permissions, Attach policies

  4. And attach the following AWS policies:

    1. AWSLambdaExecute

    2. AWSLambdaRole

Attach the role to Redshift

For Redshift Serverless

  1. Select the namespace of your Redshift.

  2. Open the Security and encryption tab.

  3. Click on Manage IAM roles.

  4. Click on Manage IAM roles again and select Associate IAM roles.

  5. Select the role created earlier, and click on Associate IAM roles

Lambda Functions

What we use it for: In Cargo, you can create computed columns on entities. It allows you to generate the column value based on Javascript code. The column values are computed on the Redshift side, in a user-defined function, when we fetch the data to display it in Cargo. But Javascript code can't run on Redshift directly.

The solution to the problem is to put the Javascript code inside a Lambda function, and create a user-defined function calling this Lambda function. For more details, see this AWS documentation.

Which means Cargo needs to be able to create Lambda functions in the same AWS account as Redshift.

To do this, you have to create a user for us with the Lambda policies, generate credentials, and copy/paste these credentials in the Redshift setup.

  1. Open the IAM console once again.

  2. Select users

  3. Click create user

  4. Give it a name, like "cargo_lambda"

  5. Click on next

  6. Select Attach policies directly

  7. Check AWSLambda_FullAccess

    (we are working to improve this part and ask for less permissions)

  8. Click next, and create the user

The user has been created

  1. Select the created user in the users list

  2. Open the Security credentials tab

  3. Scroll down to the Access keys section

  4. Click on Create access key

  5. Choose Third-party service and check the confirmation checkbox

  6. Click next

  7. Add a description, like "Access key for Cargo Redshift setup"

  8. Click Create access key

Copy the Access key in the accessKeyId field, and the Secret access key in the secretAccessKey field on Cargo.

Setup completed 🎉

You are ready to use Cargo!

Last updated