🧾Javascript snippets

Base Search Check


Use Case: This simple expression evaluates whether any records were returned from the node base_search. It can be used as a condition to trigger further actions

When copying, adapt the node names to suit the references in your workflow

Meeting Date Comparison

{{ new Date(nodes.disco_meeting_date[0].salesforce_lead_disco_meeting_date) < new Date(new Date().setFullYear(new Date().getFullYear() - 1))  }}

Use Case: This expression compares a Salesforce lead's discovery meeting date with the current date minus one year. It can be used to identify leads that haven't had a meeting in the last year, potentially requiring follow-up or nurturing

When copying, adapt the node names to suit the references in your workflow

LinkedIn Profile Check


Use Case: This expression checks if the first item in the captain_data array contains a LinkedIn profile link. It returns true if a LinkedIn link is found, facilitating targeted networking or outreach based on LinkedIn profiles

When copying, adapt the node names to suit the references in your workflow

HubSpot ID Matching

{nodes.teams.teams.find((t) => t.Hubspot_ID === nodes.crm_check[0].properties.hubspot_owner_id)}}

Use Case: This expression searches for a team in the a local variable whose Hubspot_ID matches the hubspot_owner_id of the first item in crm_check. It can help associate teams with specific HubSpot owners for further analysis or actions

When copying, adapt the node names to suit the references in your workflow

Hubspot Owner ID Filtering

{{!nodes.find_owners[0].properties.hubspot_owner_id && nodes.find_owners[0].properties.hubspot_owner_id != 254503852 && nodes.find_owners[0].properties.hubspot_owner_id != 241406601}}

Use Case: This expression checks conditions related to the hubspot_owner_id property of the first item in find_owners. It can filter out specific owner IDs from further processing, ensuring that certain actions are not taken for specific owners

When copying, adapt the node names to suit the references in your workflow

Google Custom Search URL

https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?key=AIzaSyA8LB9Lsitr9qklBUs_fG_8U5Lx1vlt2xM&cx=2176636b3a801449c&q={{nodes.start.firstname}} {{nodes.start.lastname}} {{nodes.start.company}} linkedin&num=1

Use Case: This expression generates a Google Custom Search URL by combining Cargo data (nodes.start.firstname, nodes.start.lastname, nodes.start.company) with the search query "linkedin." It allows you to automate LinkedIn profile searches

When copying, adapt the node names to suit the references in your workflow

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