โ†˜๏ธGroup node

This section explains how to use a group node to parse multiple elements in an array inside a Cargo workflow

You find yourself in the following situation:

  • You used a node (e.g. a People Data Labs search) that produces an array with multiple elements inside

  • You need to perform an operation on each of these elements programmatically (as you would inside a function when coding)

This is where you should use the group node. The alternative would be to treat every element in the array one-by-one.

How to use it:

  1. Insert a Group node after the node producing the array (PDL - Search in the example below)

  2. Within the expression, define where the array is found ({{nodes.node_1}} in the example below)

  3. Click on the expand window section at the bottom of the group node, which will open a sub-workflow window

  4. The sub-workflow works exactly as a normal worfklow, except that the objects in the start node represent the elements in the array, defined in the Step 2

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